Going Green the YonMing way

Visionary leadership has placed recycling and reusing in the front and centre of YonMing Group’s corporate social responsibility programme. Significant steps have been taken to engage the community and protect the environment by preserving resources, and YonMing will continue to come up with new GoGreen initiatives in the future.

  • Paper Recycling

The Group has initiated a Group-wide scrap paper recycling program which resulted in saving thousands of Ringgit worth of paper per annum. 

  • Cartridge Recycling

Cartridges are launches at a promotional price to encourage recycling, and incentives are given to promote the collection of used cartridges.

  • Parts Exchange Programme

Includes parts like Air Valve Components, Air Compressors, Alternators and Starters, Unit Injectors, Fuel Injection Pumps, Transmissions, and etc.

  • Recyclable bag

Canvas bags were launched to minimise the use of non-biodegradable plastics in daily life.

  • Academy

Inspires the younger generations to achieve greater innovations with the establishment of a Skills Academy that provides various technical and skills trainings in vehicle diagnostic, brake adjustment, air valves testing ETC.